6 April 2018

Neurobics Keep your Brain Alive

Creator of “The Entrepreneur Circle”, Layla Edward, known as “Master of Joy” integrates her love for nature and her freedom of movement in all her activities. From very early age, Layla has always loved the unknown and her adventurous, joyous spirit, gave her an unfair advantage to overcome impossible situations and turn challenges into opportunities.  Born in Iraq, raised in Lebanon, highly educated in U.S.A. Layla is sharing her time between Venezuela and Cyprus.

Creator of “The Entrepreneur Circle”, Layla Edward, known as “Master of Joy” integrates her love for nature and her freedom of movement in all her activities. From very early age, Layla has always loved the unknown and her adventurous, joyous spirit, gave her an unfair advantage to overcome impossible situations and turn challenges into opportunities.  Born in Iraq, raised in Lebanon, highly educated in U.S.A. Layla is sharing her time between Venezuela and Cyprus.


Viola Edward is a multi-award winner, International Author, speaker and Leading authority in her field, who has published two books: “Breathing the Rhythm of Success” 1999 and “Who Makes the Bed?” 2017. She is Holistic Psychotherapist-Coach specialising in Relationships, Addiction, Breathwork-Coaching Training, Business Clarity and Colour-Image consultancy.

Viola Edward is a multi-award winner, International Author, speaker and Leading authority in her field, who has published two books: “Breathing the Rhythm of Success” 1999 and “Who Makes the Bed?” 2017. She is Holistic Psychotherapist-Coach specialising in Relationships, Addiction, Breathwork-Coaching Training, Business Clarity and Colour-Image consultancy.