
You have to ask WHY?

Functional Medicine: A holistic approach to preventative health means doctors need to look at the patient and not the condition
If we could focus on the individual and identify their specific biological pathways that were imbalanced we could target treatment protocols more effectively instead of just treating the symptoms.

The Magic of Joy

The KonMari Method of tidying allows you to sim - plify your life and clarify your mind.
Simplify your life and clarify your mind! Many people feel overwhelmed and stressed surrounded by all their possessions.Someone might be lacking gratitude and appreciation for her belongings and someone else might be missing joy in their life.

The Room Wh​isperer

Shirley’s Girl is an interior design company with a twist; Anne is a Room Whisperer!!
Many people don’t realize, the subtle influence a room has on our subconscious, or they get used to it, like background noise that you only notice when the noise is gone! I have a sense of that energy in a room and I alter it by moving or changing objects around and working with colour, textiles or materials that help to enhance the positive feeling and create the right energy.