sovereign magazine

Inside The Realm of Thought

Credit must go to Elaine’s photographic talent. Behind Elaine’s camera lens is a creative genius which opens a certain kind of door that you never have entered before, a door to your own heart.
What better way to inspire a younger generation of women, our daughters and granddaughters, who, yes, are born to lead, to build their personal and professional success?! I hope you will enjoy this cocktail of self-awareness and profound social awakening of highly educated, creative women - an extraordinary wave of emotional intelligence.


There is a continual debate over what is more important, your spirituality or your business success. Most people we asked told us that "Spirituality is at the core of their business success" and few confirmed that "Spirituality is more important than business" or ‘Spirituality is my business"
There is a continual debate over what is more important, your spirituality or your business success. Most people we asked told us that "Spirituality is at the core of their business success" and few confirmed that "Spirituality is more important than business" or ‘Spirituality is my business"